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Take control of digital learning

CourseGarden empowers you to take full control over your digital learning environment. Invite students, author your own content and manage assessment with just a few clicks.


Impress by providing a great learning experience

CourseGarden offers you to tools to provide a fully customized learning experience in minutes to blow away your peers. With just a few clicks, you can add your own visual identity to stand out from the crowd.


The right environment for engaged learning

CourseGarden provides the perfect environment for engaged digital learning on any device.


Captivate the attention of your students with interactive presentations, provide easy access on any device and assess them better with adaptive testing.

Author your content & assess with ease

Turn your existing powerpoint presentations to digital content with a simple drag-n-drop!


Share the same question bank with colleagues to streamline and automate your testing!


Make your test adaptive for better assessment and guide your students in their learning paths.

For higher-education institutions who want to provide great learning experience

Better education happens inside CourseGarden, your single hub for learning.


We empower you to engage digitally savvy students. They require instant access to information from any device at any time anywhere.




Involve students in classwork with industry-leading interactive presentations.




Encourage team work, provide assessment tools and follow progress with ease.




Be transparent to your students and staff at the same time.

Efficient Enterprises use Course-Garden

Better organizational development happens faster in CourseGarden, your single hub for corporate education.




Use your existing SSO for authentication

Security by design


CourseGarden has been built from the ground up to meet the latest data protection and security requirements for enterprise including GDPR.

Self-paced learning


Your employees can take their time with their learning and complete as they can for better results and employee satisfaction

Try CourseGarden for free

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